Msi dll module loaded but error code 0x80040201

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

在exchange server 2010上打开EMS输入命令来导入照片
Import-RecipientDataProperty -Identity "XXX" -Picture -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "D:\photo\x.jpg" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0))

4、导入照片可以使用批处理,但是需要将批处理文件保存成 .ps1 格式
注意:在exchange 2007和outlook 2007中不能实现。在outlook 2007中没有显示照片的地方,导入之后也无法显示出来,说白了没那个功能。

When attempting to register the Active Directory Schema Snap-in (also known as the Schema Console or Schema MMC console) using Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2, you may need to run the command from an elevated command prompt. Otherwise, you could see the following error after running the registration command regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll

The module "schmmgmt.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040201

This is because User Account Control (UAC) might be limiting your capabilities even if you logged on using an account that is a member of the Schema Admins group. You do need to login or start an elevated command prompt using an account that is a member of the Schema Admins group.

To open an elevated command prompt, click the Start button in the toolbar, type Command Prompt. Then, right-click Command Prompt from the Start menu and click Run as administrator.

When the Schema Management dll is registered (schmmgmt.dll) you will see a successfully registered message.

在 Exchange 2010 和 Outlook 2010 环境中微软允许我们为 Exchange 用户添加联系人头像,这样一来我们能够更轻松地识别用户,而在操作时也会感觉更加友好。如下图所示:

虽然微软在 Exchange 2010 和 Outlook 2010 环境中允许为用户添加头像,但是却并未提供 UI 操作。而有网友制作了扩展插件可以帮助我们轻松地为用户添加头像。这个扩展插件安装非常容易,在安装后我们打开 ADUC 操作用户属性便可以看到 Photo 选项卡。注意,添加的用户头像尺寸应该为 96x96,这样显示效果为最佳,大小应该控制在 10k 以内(如果使用 Powershell 就必须小于 10k)。

最后在 EMC(Exchange Management Console)中重新生成脱机通讯簿,并使用 Outlook 重新下载脱机通讯簿即可。如果发现未生效,请重新启动 MSExchangeFDS 服务。

当然如果你不希望安装这个扩展插件,也可以使用 Exchange Management Shell 来为用户添加头像,首先将用户头像保存在一个便于访问的位置,如:D:\Photo96x96,之后启动 Exchange Management Shell(EMS)进入加载了 Exchange 管理功能的Powershell 环境,并执行如下命令:

Import-RecipientDataProperty -Identity "sufan" -Picture -FileData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "d:\Photo96x96sufan.jpg" -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0))

Update-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "Default Offline Address Book"

用户头像实际上是使用了 AD 中的一个对象属性,即“thumbnailPhoto”,为了确保这个对象属性在当前 AD Schema中可用,应该使用 MMC 加载 Active Directory Schema 单元,之后在“Attributes”中查找“thumbnailPhoto”对象,并确保此属性复制到全局编录。

5、在exchange server 2010里,建立New distribution group的时候,选择existing group ,browse到相应的OU,却看不到刚才建立的安全组?

创建安全组(Security Group)的时候默认的group scope的Type 是global这样的exchange 里是看不到的
需要把组的group scope的Type 改成Universal

F ix Error Code 0x80040201 on Windows 10: The Error Code 0x80040201 appears when you are upgrading from a small business server 4.0 to Small Business Server 4.5. It will display the error message “DLLRegisterServer in Srvcstat.ocx failed“. To solve this, check out our guide. We provided simple and easy steps to Fix Error Code 0x80040201 on Windows. Let’s step into this guide.

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How to Fix Error Code 0x80040201 on Windows? - Quick Steps!!

Causes of Error Code 0x80040201:

  • When you upgrade Windows from Small Business Server 4.0 to Small Business Server 4.5, it may throw this error.
  • If you attempted to register the Srvcstat.ocx manually, it will show this error.
  • This error occurs if you are not installing the right version of Comcat.dll.

Steps to Fix this Error:

Follow the below steps to solve this error easily.

  • To fix it, you need to replace Comcat.dll version 4.71 with the file that is included in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4.
  • You can achieve this by going to the\System32 folder.
  • First, you need to find the existing Comcat.dll file and then rename it as Comcat.old.
  • Then, expand the SP4 to a temporary folder by executing the following command.
  • c:\program files\microsoft backoffice\sp4setup /x
  • Now, you need to check the temporary folder for the new Comcat.dll file.
  • You have to copy this file from the temporary folder.
  • Then, register the new Comcat.dll file by using the regsvr32.exe utility.
  • You can achieve it by typing this command: regsvr32 c:\\system32\comcat.dll
  • Finally, you need to Restart the Back-office setup and complete the upgrade process successfully.

В этом руководстве мы предоставили простые и легкие шаги по устранению кода ошибки 0x80040201 в Windows. Внимательно следуйте инструкциям, чтобы легко устранить ошибку. Поделитесь своими комментариями в разделе ниже. Оставайтесь на связи, чтобы быть в курсе мгновенных обновлений. Благодарим за посещение Windows Jet.

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